All Episodes

Displaying episodes 1 - 13 of 13 in total

Ep 12: Coffee w/ Dr. Sforzando & Prof. Leitmotif

Austen Sforzando and Jesse Leitmotif contemplate the fine intricacies of jazz drumming, the musical concepts of Dredg, the 3D printing of multi-stringed instruments, a...

Ep 11: Horsing Around in the Third Dimension

Austen and Jesse dig into the backlog of past recordings and publish another episode! This one is all about horsing around with trailers, hand-wiring keyboards, counte...

Ep 10: Granny Games & Playdates

Shrimp, bagels, grannies pwning newbs, fantasy consoles, Alan Turing cameos, 'American Hand Egg', and data loss; This episode has it all!Links & Notes:Game devPanic Pl...

Ep 9: It's Pronounced "Zed Ess Haetsch", Austen

A fireside chat featuring new gear, old dotfiles, and updates on what we've been up to. Kiwi the puppy doesn't code Rust (yet), but she knows how to sit! Does she have...

Ep 8: Junk Drawer Management

Managing project junk drawers and building the same thing over and over again. Desktop apps, backlogs, great UX, and a dang good time.Β  --- Listeners, how do you handl...

Ep 7: We Are Artificially Intelligent

Ramen broth and AI; The two hottest topics (literally speaking for the former) to grace the internet since 2023!Links:CopilotCursorRewindJamon Holmgren's crazy test su...

Ep 6: Domain Hoarding

Jesse and Austen discuss past projects, potential projects, and the topic of domain hoarding.Links:- Dustforce game - Lightyear Figma Illustration (seriously, open thi...

Ep 5: Mac Tools

Productivity, workflow, automation, [insert buzzword here]! Austen and Jesse chat about awesome tools for the Mac ecosystem.Industriously Handy Links:Raycast https://w...

Ep 4: Cat Allergies & Making Videos

Austen adopts cats mid-episode, while being allergic to cats mid-episode. We also chat about chickens, coffee and wine adjectives, local honey, morel mushrooms, and al...

Ep 3: Even More Laracon & Livewire

Podcast jingle ideas, even more Laracon thoughts, and why Livewire is becoming the #GOAT, in our hopefully humble opinions.Superb Links:Laracon US 2023 Talks https://w...

Ep 2: Laracon & Drums

Imagine a podcast where we talk about publishing a podcast (how meta)! Jesse then recaps his second-ever Laracon. We also nerd out about drums for a while.Rad Links:La...

Ep 1: Custom Keyboards & Clicky Bait

Mechanical keyboards are quite the rabbit hole. Also, you should try out Space Cadet Shift keys. Trust us.Very Good Links:What is "ortholinear"?

Ep 0: Geocities, DOS, and Bad Audio

Jesse and Austen talk about each other's developer origin story. How (and when) did all this web development nonsense start? Warning: Garbage audio quality in this epi...

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